CompCalc Overview
The CompCalc Plus is now available at the App Store for Apple devices, iPad/iPhone including Mac Computers, at the Google Play Store, for Android devices, the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 users, and now available over the internet with the release of the CompCalc AWS.
CompCalc provides current year to date figures for PD and TD with the ability to save/print/email ratings as well as present Value as well as COLA calculations for awards of Total Disability and /Life Pensions.
The CompCalc also allows the user to input average weekly wage for the calculation of PD and TD, calculating never above the maximum or below the minimum given the date of injury.
Additionally, the Rating Module allows the user to select the combined value calculation.
The CompCalc also allows the user to input unlimited PD percentages to calculate combined value.
Last, we update our support and training videos annually, insuring mastery of the CompCalc plus.
CompaCalc Features
Meet the Founder
Richard Montarbo is a graduate of the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law and holds degrees in Business Economics and Computer Science. Mr. Montarbo is the architect behind Current Issues, Workers’ Compensation Conference, is a frequent speaker and presenter at various Workers’ Compensation conferences, and is the author and editor of the Work Comp Index, a Lexis/Nexus publication.
Mr. Montarbo is a Certified Specialists in the field of California Workers’ Compensation Law and has for over 26 years exclusively represented defendants in Workers’ Compensation and Labor litigation. He was also an adjunct professor at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.
CompCalc Plus Privacy Policy
All Version of the CompCalc Plus 2019, and CompCalc Windows also includes a full PD rating schedule which automatically creates a rating string adjusting the WPI given the Part of Body, Age, Occupation, and DFEC. The CompCalc also incorporates a relational database for Occupation and Part of Body making input intuitive and simple.
All Versions of the CompCalc Plus 2019 and CompCalc Windows also includes a California Workers’ Compensation Indemnity Calculator that calculates Permanent Disability, Temporary Disability, Life Pension, Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits and Death Benefits, for the given date of industrial injury.
Also, the CompCalc calculates TD liability for a given period based on the default max weekly rate for the date of industrial injury or a TD rate based on AWW manually imputed, or actual TD rate where known. The CompCalc also provides Life Expectancy given the current age and based upon the 2010 U.S. Life Table as provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Other features also include a Date Calculator, full listing of QME/Body Codes and full access to support and training videos.
Workers’ Compensation Index and eBook Available Now!
Workers’ Compensation Index: A Topical Guide to California Workers’ Compensation Law (formerly Work Comp Index) is a valuable research tool for anyone involved in handling California workers’ compensation cases.
The book and its Table of Contents, both of which are set up alphabetically by subject/topic, serve as a quick reference tool and a starting point for more in-depth legal research. The California workers’ compensation system has changed so rapidly in substantive and procedural areas that its participants have been inundated with information from many sources.
This topical guide leads its users simply, directly, and quickly to the applicable statutory, case law, rule, and to a wide variety of key publications, texts, and treatises that have treated the entire range of issues and developments in the field.